Rainforest Biodiversity Group has a deep interest in teaching people about the environment. Since 2000 RBG has been presenting education programs to school groups and adults in both Costa Rica and the United States. RBG has spoken with thousands of people over the years about the Great Green Macaw, its conservation issues and the organization’s projects.
From 2006 to 2010 RBG’s community outreach and education focused on the participating landowners of the Costa Rican Bird Route (CRBR) and the surrounding communities. During this time numerous workshops were held on topics that ranged from eco-tourism development, sustainable land management, bird guide training and developing interpretative themes for tours.
Click here to download the environmental education packet that Rainforest Biodiversity Group put together to teach children about trophic systems, water pollution and bird identification (PDF 1.5 MB in Spanish).
RBG believes that it is not enough to just create sustainable conservation projects; education must be incorporated and the local people involved if the conservation ethic is to be perpetuated into the future.
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