The Rainforest Biodiversity Group is a 501(c)3 non-profit with over twelve years of experience protecting rainforest habitat in the tropics. We have done this through a variety of initiatives that include reforestation, environmental education and outreach, tree protection programs, development of alternative livelihoods, and conservation easements. Most recently, we have launched a Small Grant Program to support other non-profits doing similar work to protect rainforest biodiversity.
Historically, RBG has focused its work in Central America, particularly in the northern zone of Costa Rica. Although Costa Rica is a country well known for its national park system, and for holding 5% of the world’s biodiversity, its northern region is the least protected and the least visited by tourists. These two factors lead to the region being the poorest in Costa Rica as well as the most threatened by deforestation and environmental degradation.
The deforestation is driven by illegal logging and the conversion of land for agricultural purposes. In recent years, pineapple plantations have proliferated, further challenging conservation efforts. Unfortunately, in this area few livelihood opportunities exist beyond these traditional means.
To help address these issues, in 2001 local conservation organizations and institutions created the San Juan-La Selva Biological Corridor. Rainforest Biodiversity Group was a founding member of the Executive Committee that oversees the corridor.
To help improve habitat connectivity in the fragmented northern region, and address the need for alternative livelihoods, RBG implemented its flagship project called the Costa Rican Bird Route.
The Costa Rican Bird Route is a sustainable tourism initiative designed to promote northern Costa Rica as a destination for excellent birdwatching and authentic cultural interactions. Nature and culture tourism has the potential to bring economic opportunities for local landowners and communities. These opportunities are derived from the region’s natural resources, and therefore provide an economic incentive for habitat conservation.
It is the belief of Rainforest Biodiversity Group that it is not enough to simply create conservation projects; environmental education must be incorporated and the local people involved if the conservation ethic is to be perpetuated. For this reason, RBG has worked to incorporate local participation and provide educational opportunities whenever possible in all of our programs.
Please take time to explore our programs and if you like what we are doing, please make a donation to our organization!
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